Instantly Ageless Affiliate Programme

Join the Instantly Ageless Affiliate Programme –
We are hiring. Free Registration.

Hey Instantly Ageless Superstar Affiliates!

We’ve got some awesome news to share with you! We’re launching a brand-new way for you to earn even more money with our special two-level commission structure.

Here’s how it works:

Tier 1: Your Sales –
Just like before, every time you sell our products, you earn a big 30% commission. That’s $30 for every $100 worth of products you sell!  There is also no minimum spend required by you monthly to remain active and earning at Instantly Ageless.

Tier 2: Your Team’s Sales –
Here’s where it gets super exciting! Now, if you help a friend become an affiliate like you (we’ll call them your recruit), and they start selling, you’ll earn an extra 5% from whatever they sell. Imagine your friend sells $100 worth of products, you’ll get $5 just because you helped them join.

You get paid twice monthly, both on the 1st and 16th of the month, always allowing for the 30 day Guarantee on online orders to pass.

You also get your own Instantly Ageless landing page and a second page for Affiliate registrations, your back office orders, Commissions, Clients for Life and a lot more.

It’s an all in one Plug & Play Affiliate Business where you’re the captain of your team. The more friends you help join, and the more they sell, the more bonuses you get. It’s not just about selling; it’s about building your own little team who can help you earn more!

So, why not start inviting your friends to join your team? The bigger your team, the bigger your earnings. Let’s grow together and make this your most fun and rewarding adventure yet!
Keep being amazing and start building your dream team today.


JOIN the Instantly Ageless Affiliate Programme here today

Join as an Affiliate now. No Registration fee applies.  No minimum product purchases required monthly.

To you Success.

Karen Roux and Your Affiliate Team at Xtreme Business Network and Ageless Instantly Xtreme Cape Town –
Authorised Affiliate Agents of
Instantly Ageless at 4826 Hwy 377 · Fort Worth, TX 76116 · USA

#InstantlyAgelessAffiliate #AffiliateMarketing #affiliatelink

Join the Instantly Ageless Affiliate Programme by registering online here today: